Thursday, February 16, 2017

Where can I find a Mother for you, Bosco !!

From the archives of 2012 or earlier....

Bosco is not deaf as he swings his body at the beats of the music when played loud in the car- he is hearing impaired. Bosco says his name with a thrust, as Burfi says it in the movie. He understands the sign language, so he is not dumb. Its been more than a year now since i have known 15 years old Bosco. He is not an orphan as Father and brothers of the missionary are his parents and more than 20 mentally challenged kids are his siblings.

But the biggest miss in his life is - he doesn't have a mother

His recent medical examination says that his hearing ability is negligible, though can be cured. There was some hope when i met Dr Ameet Kishore along with Bosco and his medical reports.

He came straight- medical science could have helped him with hearing and speech ability, if he was an infant. At his age, his mind cannot co-relate to the various sounds, words, languages, music, even if heard by his ears. Someone has to dedicate her life to make him understand what he hears and to speak. His mind is 15 years behind and its not going to be easy, he said.

Can you find a mother for him? asked the doctor. Only mothers can do this job out of selfless love, as it involves a lot of dedication. Father, Brothers, volunteers of the missionary, cannot replace a mother and i would not recommend implant which will frustrate a happy child.

The best bet is to support him finish his education.

Bosco has a beautiful handwriting, he is a bright student, arithmetic is his favourite subject, he loves to draw, he is appearing for Grade VI examination, his notebooks reflects he is a bright child. He can surely do much better, if exposed to good education. Bosco dislikes going to this special school as teachers are not helping him learn appropriately. Children picks up fight and he does not have friends here.

Top schools in Delhi / NCR do preach a lot about inclusive education, but do not practice in spirit. There is a huge gap to support this disability, i realised this after exchanging couple of e mails, phone calls, interactions and personal interview with some of the renowned educationists.
There is a lack of special educators in our country, at least the speech therapists for his kind of special needs

I wish and also believe, he will shine and do well for himself

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